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​There are many things you should expect from your SEO agency. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of those expectations and share some insight into our daily work with Alignment Online Marketing.
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We hope that by the end, you’ll have a better understanding of what to expect when working with an agency like ours. If you want to take advantage of these insights, we offer free consultations for all potential clients!
You should expect your SEO agency to provide you with a tailored, custom strategy. A successful campaign is one that has been thoroughly researched and planned out so it meets the needs of its clientele while following best practices established by industry leaders in order to achieve the desired results. Our team works hard every day to research what strategies will be most effective for your business and what the most effective channels are. We’ll then set up a tailored strategy that will work for you.
We should also expect our SEO agency to maintain open lines of communication with us and be transparent throughout the process. We want to make sure we’re always in tune with your needs, so if there’s anything you don’t understand or if something comes up that causes concern, please feel free to reach out and we will be happy to help.
We also expect our SEO agency to present us with clear deliverables that can measure the success of their work for your company, such as reports on rankings, traffic levels or other metrics. We’ll provide you an extensive report at the end of every month detailing all of the data we’ve collected and how it impacts your rankings.
Lastly, we should expect our SEO agency to be knowledgeable in the industry and with working on a diverse range of projects. Our team is comprised of people who are experts in their fields, which means that no matter what kind of project you bring to us – from website design to social media marketing or SEO – we will be able to help you.
So now that we have a good general understanding of what to expect from an SEO agency let’s dive into the details.
Advanced Keyword Research
Advanced keyword research is a crucial part of any SEO campaign. It’s important to know what keywords your business should be targeting in order to rank well in search engines and it gives you a good idea of how much traffic might come from the right keywords for your industry. We’ll spend time brainstorming with our client, as well as researching on our own, to establish the best keywords for your campaign.
We’ll also review and refine these targeted keywords in order to make sure they’re getting enough traffic so that we can spend our time working on the ones with potential instead of wasting it on those that will never get you ranked well. We use a variety of tools like Google Keyword Planner and Moz Keyword Explorer to analyze how many people are searching for a given term.
This step is essential in order to make sure that the keywords we target will be profitable over time, which is why it’s one of our top priorities when setting up an SEO campaign.
Keyword Analysis
Once we’ve researched and identified the best keywords for your campaign, our team will then go to work on analyzing them. We’ll use a variety of tools like Moz Keyword Explorer or Google Adwords Keyword Tool to analyze how many people are searching for these terms in order to establish their value.
We can also look at things like SERP features or changes, the number of links that point to a given page, and other factors in order to see how competitive it might be. Once this step is complete we’ll have an idea of which keywords are worth pursuing for your campaign depending on their competitiveness.
We want our clientele to know what they can expect from us at all times.
WordPress/HTML Optimization
Once we’ve completed our keyword research, the next step is to optimize your site for search engines. We’ll make sure that all of the on-site elements are in order and optimized: title tags, meta descriptions, headings (H tags), headers, and ALT text so that you’re not missing out on valuable points from Google’s indexing.
We want everything to be optimized for search engines, so we’ll take care of this step before moving on to more complex tasks like content creation or link building.
The final aspect of optimization is working with your client’s analytics team and website developers in order to optimize the site code itself based on what they’ve done previously.
Fix Permalinks
One of the first things we do when working with a new client, is fix their permalinks. This will require them to update any existing URLs on their site so that they don’t have “pretty” or other types of permalink names, which might not work in our favor.
We want to make sure that this step is done before anything else because it ensures that everything is optimized for search engines and guarantees we can rank your site well in the SERPs.
We want to make sure you have a good understanding of what SEO agencies do so that you don’t get misled by other marketing firms that might over-promise or under-deliver when it comes to on-page optimization.
Optimize Title Tags
The next step in our on-site optimization process is optimizing your title tags. This will require us to work with you and your marketing team, as well as the developers who are responsible for updating or adding new content to your site’s pages.
It’ll also involve looking at things like keyword relevance, volume, competitiveness, and uniqueness of a given title tag in order to make sure that it’s the best one for your site.
Title tags are another facet of SEO on which we focus because they’re what gets displayed when a person clicks on any given link or search result.
We want you to have the most optimized title tag possible so that not only is it targeted and relevant, but it also draws in the most clicks when people do a search. We want your site to be seen and found by potential customers, which is why we spend so much time on this step of optimization.
Optimize Meta Tags
Once we’ve completed our title tag optimization, the next thing on our to-do list is completing your meta tags.
It’ll include looking at things like keyword relevance, volume, and competitiveness in order to ensure that it’s the best one for this page or post.
This step will also involve working with you and your marketing team as well as the developers who are in charge of updating or adding new content to this site’s pages.
The final aspect is making sure that your meta description doesn’t have too much text and includes a call-to-action (CTA) so that it will take someone straight to your page when they click on any given link.
Optimize H1 Tags, H2 Tags, and H3 tags
Next, we’ll optimize the H tags on your site. This includes things like keyword relevance, volume and competitiveness to ensure that it’s the best one for a given page or post.
H tags are another aspect of SEO optimization because they’re what will be displayed when someone clicks on any given link or does a search result.
This step of optimization will also involve working with you and your marketing team as well as the developers who are in charge of updating or adding new content to this site’s pages.
The final aspect is making sure that all H tags have a call-to-action (CTA) so that they take someone straight to your page when they click on any given link.
HTML tags are another aspect of on-site optimization and a key part of our work with clients in the long-form content section.
Add Relevant Buying Keywords to Your Homepage
When the title tags and meta tags are done, we’ll work on adding relevant buying keywords to your homepage.
We want this step included in the process because it’s yet another way that you can rank for a particular keyword or phrase with ease. It takes some time but is well worth our efforts when it comes to optimizing your site for search engines.
We also want to make sure that we’re including relevant keywords in your homepage copy so that it’s optimized for the marketplace and can rank you well based on what people are searching for, instead of just how often they search for a given keyword or phrase.
That way you’ll be able to reach more potential customers without having to spend the time, effort, and resources on other SEO-related tactics.
We want to make sure that we’re including relevant keywords in your homepage copy so that it’s optimized for the marketplace and can rank you well based on what people are searching for instead of just how often they search for a given keyword or phrase.
Structure Your First Paragraphs Correctly
After that, the next step is to structure your first paragraphs correctly.
This also includes things like keyword relevance and volume in order to ensure that it’s the best one for a given page or post.
Every content marketing campaign has its own unique goals and objectives so we work with you on what those are before structuring any of your paragraphs or content.
This means working with your marketing team to determine what you want the customer experience of this page or post to be in order for it to rank well on search engines. We want them to have a good user experience that will make them more likely to buy from you and refer others when the time is right.
This is a very important step that we’ll want you to be an active participant in because it’s your business that will benefit from our work.
Adjust Your Keyword Density
The next step in our process is to adjust the keyword density on your site.
This includes things like how often you use a given word, where it’s used and if it should be included with other words or not.
We’ll also work out which keywords are most important for every page that we want to rank well for so that cues directly from you.
Structure Your Last Paragraphs Correctly
After that, the next step is to structure your last paragraphs correctly.
This also includes things like keyword relevance and volume in order to ensure that it’s the best one for a given page or post.
Every content marketing campaign has its own unique goals and objectives so we work with you on what those are before structuring any of your paragraphs or content.
This means working with your marketing team to determine what you want the customer experience of this page or post to be in order for it to rank well on search engines. We want them to have a good user experience that will make them more likely to buy from you and refer others when the time is right so we take our keyword relevance and volume in order to ensure that it’s the best one for a given page or post.
Every content marketing campaign has its own unique goals and objectives so we work with you on what those are before structuring any of your paragraphs or content.
Optimize Your Images (alt tags, title tags, captions)
The next step in our process is to optimize your images.
This includes things like alt tags, title tags and captions so that the image will show up well when it’s posted on social media or other sites where people are looking for new content.
Images can be a huge boon to SEO because they’re high-quality assets with search engines.
Install and Set Up SEO Plugins (WordPress)
The next step in our process is to install and set up SEO plugins.
This includes things like Yoast’s WordPress plugin or All-in-One SEO Pack for other content management systems, which makes it easier to integrate media with your site so that you can rank better on search engines.
It also provides data about the number of visitors to your site and what pages they’re visiting the most so that we can focus our SEO efforts on those areas, which will help us achieve better rankings.
Optimize Your Categories to Improve Your On-Page SEO
The next step in our process is to optimize your categories.
This will make it easier for you to rank on search engines because the site architecture and navigation will be properly structured.
It also makes it easy for customers looking for products or services like yours find them without having to dig through irrelevant posts from other pages that might not have a what are lot of more likely potential for to effective rank communication.
Use Analysis Tools To Scan Your Website and Fix Common Errors
The next step in our process is to use analysis tools.
This includes things like Google’s Search Console or Bing Webmaster Tools, which are free and will scan your website for common errors that could be affecting how well you rank on search engines.
It also provides insights about what pages have the most traffic so we can focus efforts there and have a higher likelihood of increasing the rankings on those pages.
Provide You With Off-Page SEO Tips
The next step in our process is to provide you with off-page SEO tips and tactics.
This includes things like social media integration, guest blogging for a relevant blog or site, press releases about new products coming out soon that will be of interest to your customers or other potential clients, etc.
It also covers the importance of having a healthy backlink profile, which is like having the equivalent of an army to support your SEO efforts instead of just one soldier.
The more links you have pointing back at you, the higher likelihood that your website will rank well on search engines and stay there.
Improve Your Rankings with RSS Feeds
The next step in our process is to improve your rankings with RSS feeds.
This includes things like setting up an email newsletter and offering a free eBook for signing up or other relevant resources, which will help you rank better on Google search results pages (SERPS) because of the higher quality content we’re providing that readers want more of.
Show You How To Piggyback Authority Websites to Rank for Competitive Keywords
The next step in our process is to show you how to piggyback authority websites.
This includes things like doing a guest blog post for another site and letting them know that you’ll add links back to your own website at the end of the article, which will help amplify your content’s reach because it will be on an authoritative platform with a lot of readers.
It also includes things like submitting your site to directory sites, which will help you rank better for competitive keywords because we’re providing the content they want with links back to your website that all bring in traffic and potential leads.
Monthly Link Building Campaign
The next step in our process is to run a monthly link-building campaign.
This includes things like email outreach and PPC campaigns, which will help you rank better on SERPS because they’re going to be getting you more backlinks that are relevant for your target keywords.
It also covers the importance of monitoring these links over time, which will help you see how well they’re working and whether or not it’s worth continuing to invest in them.
Article Creation
The next step in our process is to create articles.
This includes things like content marketing, which will help you rank better on SERPS because we’re providing a lot of great resources for readers that are relevant to search terms they might be looking for and want more information about.
It also covers the importance of ensuring these posts link back to your website, which will help you rank better because it’s providing the content they want with links back to you that all bring in traffic and potential leads.
PDF Submissions
The next step in our process is to submit you for PDF submissions.
This includes things like writer’s guidelines, which will help you rank better on SERPS because we’re providing content that people want more of and it links back to your website.
It also covers the importance of submitting these articles with a link at the end so they provide a link back to your site, which will help you rank better because it’s providing content they want with links back to you that all bring in traffic and potential leads.
Article Directory Submissions
The next step in our process is to submit articles to article directories.
This includes things like submitting your work on sites like Ezine, which will help you rank better because it’s providing content that people want more of and links back to your website.
It also covers the importance of following their guidelines for writing articles so they follow SEO best practices, which will help you rank better because it’s providing content they want with links back to your website that all bring in traffic and potential leads.
This includes things like following guidelines for site optimization by making sure the title tag is relevant on every page of a website so people can find them easily when searching Google or other search engines.
Social Media Backlinks
The next step in our process is to promote you on social media.
This includes things like creating Facebook and LinkedIn posts that link back to your website, which will help you rank better because it’s providing content they want with links back to your website that all bring in traffic and potential leads.
It also covers the importance of following their guidelines for posting to social media, which will help you rank better because it’s providing content they want with links back to your website that all bring in traffic and potential leads.
This includes things like following guidelines for quality over quantity by making sure the posts are actually relevant on every post so people don’t think of them as marketing spam.
Profile Backlinks
The next step in our process is to create backlinks from your social media profiles.
This includes things like following their guidelines for updating a profile on LinkedIn, which will help you rank better because it’s providing content they want with links back to your website that all bring in traffic and potential leads.
Business Directory Backlinks
The next step in our process is to create backlinks from your business directory profiles.
This includes things like following their guidelines for updating a profile on Yelp, which will help you rank better because it’s providing content they want with links back to your website that all bring in traffic and potential leads.
It also covers the importance of following their guidelines for submitting a profile on Yelp, which will help you rank better because it’s providing content they want with links back to your website that all bring in traffic and potential leads.
Backlinks From Video Websites (Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc)
The next step in our process is to create backlinks from video websites.
This includes things like following their guidelines for when and how to embed a YouTube video, which will help you rank better because it’s providing content they want with links back to your website that all bring in traffic and potential leads.
Make Sure Your Website is Mobile-Friendly
The next step in our process is to make sure your website is mobile-friendly.
This includes things like following their guidelines for using a responsive design, which will help you rank better because it’s providing a better user experience for mobile users, in recent years this have really become a big ranking factor for search engines.
Modern Designs for All Types of Businesses
The next step in our process is to create modern designs for all types of businesses, we believe that a website is the first impression on customers therefore it’s important that your website looks amazing and does not look like it was created a decade ago.
It also covers the importance of following their guidelines for having consistency in your logo design as well as all other designs on your site because this will help you rank better because it looks more professional and trustworthy.
WordPress Blog
A WordPress blog is a type of website that runs on the WordPress content management system. This is used for many different purposes, but usually, it’s used for blogging and creating a personalized website.
We mostly use the WordPress platform but can also work with other platforms such as Squarespace.
We help clients create blogs on a regular basis and it’s an important part of our work because people are much more likely to trust your business if they can see where you’ve been publishing content on the internet.
Compatible With All Screens, Monitors, Tablets, and Mobile Smartphones
The next step in our process is to optimize images on your site for the best resolution.
This includes things like following their guidelines for using high-resolution images so they load quickly and look sharp no matter what size screen people are viewing it from, this will help you rank better because it’s providing a good user experience that will keep customers coming to your website, which will help you rank better because it’s providing content they want with links back to your website that all bring in traffic and potential leads.
AddedFeatures Such as Scheduling and Client Forms
The next step in our process is to add features such as scheduling and client forms.
This includes things like following their guidelines for making sure there’s an online form on your site people can use so they don’t have to call or email you with questions, this will help you rank better because it looks more professional and trustworthy.
It also adds the convenience of not having to talk over the phone with clients and instead of being able to chat with them or schedule appointments through a form.
Custom SEO Plan
Every business is unique and the way their website works is also unique. We have customized marketing plans for our clients that are based on their business goals and what they want to achieve with SEO, that is why it’s so important to have a costume SEO plan that is tailored for your business.
Custom Internet Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales
Internet marketing is often a daunting task, especially for small business owners. Without an internet marketing strategy, companies can struggle to find new customers and increase sales. The good news is that all it takes is the right plan in order to generate more leads – whether those leads are from your website or social media channels.
We provide custom internet marketing strategies tailored to each of our clients so they can be sure their money will be well spent on improving their lead generation online. So don’t worry about getting into internet marketing yourself – just contact us today for your free consultation!
Website Relevance Evaluation
Website relevance evaluation is a process that helps you figure out what your website should be about. This evaluation will also help you figure out what pages are important to your business and what content to put on your site so that you can generate more potential leads for your company.
This process includes things like checking the number of relevant pages on your site and making sure they’re all being updated with new content so people don’t see old, irrelevant information when they search for it. The goal of this process is to improve user experience which will increase your lead generation and rank better because it’s providing relevant information people want.
Google, Bing, and Yahoo Guidelines
There are many regulations that google enforces, such as their policy for website content to not be excessive or spammy which helps them maintain their standards of excellence in search so people have a good experience and continue coming back. Â This ensures that they’re generating more traffic for advertisers which is beneficial for both parties because it increases revenue opportunities and brings new customers to advertisers.
If you don’t follow these rules, there can be serious consequences including being removed from mobile search rankings or having your site de-listed entirely.
Scan Your Website to See Where It’s Listed
Local listing is imperative because it provides your business with an opportunity to rank well in search engines. This is so important because it affects how many potential customers you’ll get from the free advertising that Google, Bing, and Yahoo provide. It also streams down into services like Facebook ads which mean more leads for businesses looking to increase sales using social media.
At the heart of this is ensuring that reviews are being considered when calculating your ranking, otherwise, people will be trying out a new company simply based on what they see first without reading what other clients have said about your service or product  This means not only will you rank lower without these reviews but there’s also the possibility that nothing else matters at all in terms of improving sites rankings including content quality and social media optimization.
Customers are being overwhelmed with the number of choices that they have online in terms of where to go for a product or service so it becomes more important than ever to make sure you’re on top of your game when marketing your business.
The benefits from local listings can be huge, but there’s also a lot of risk if you don’t know what you’re doing so it’s important to work with a good SEO agency that can help your company be successful.
Monitor Online Reviews
We provide a service that helps monitor reviews on different sites to make sure your company is getting the right amount of exposure and mentions. Hubspot has seen firsthand how monitoring these reviews can greatly help in improving their clients’ sales leads, and we have developed our own system for going about this process. In addition to google, bing, yahoo search rankings there are many other review sources such as facebook that can be monitored by us with ease. We take in reviews from all over the internet and put them into an easy-to-read dashboard so you never have to dig through social media or various review websites looking for feedback left under your brand name.
Improve Click-Through Rate
Improving your click-through rate may seem like a daunting task to undertake, but there are a number of things you can do to make it easier. One of the most important factors in improving your CTR is making sure that you have useful and informative content on your site. If people come to your site and find that there’s nothing to read, they’re not going to bother clicking around looking for something that interests them, so this means keeping up with posts on a regular basis or ensuring the content you have posted is valuable enough to keep people interested.
Another important point to consider when tackling an issue with low CTR is having high-quality images. This helps pull in readers who might not be drawn into anything else about what you’re writing. While it may seem like an easy fix to just have more images, this isn’t always the case.
There are a number of things that can affect your click-through rate and you need to consider them before jumping into anything without giving some thought first so you don’t come up with something that doesn’t work well for your company.
Help You Get Your Business Listed Across the most popular networks
At our agency, we know that local listings are an effective marketing tool for any business.
To make sure your company is the best it can be at getting ranked on these sites, just take a look at what you’re doing wrong and try to focus more of your attention there. There are plenty ways to boost traffic from these websites including ensuring that you have all the correct information from a business standpoint such as hours and address to make sure it’s easily found on these sites.
It is possible for your company to be listed across many of the popular online networks but this doesn’t happen overnight without thought or effort so take a look at what you can do in order to get more exposure.
Add Photos, Logos, Graphs, and Charts
There are different ways to add photos, logos, graphs, and charts to your online content that can help increase the interest of readers.
It’s a good idea to experiment with new images in order to see what works best for you and how it affects user engagement. This is an important thing for any business owner or marketer because they want to know what will work best for them.
It’s important to find a balance between getting the right information across and making sure readers are interested in your content so they’re more likely to engage with it themselves as well.
This means you need to be thoughtful about how attractive or interesting things look on their own before posting anything online so that you’re not sacrificing the quality of your content.
Update Your Website Calendar, New Events, Announcements, and Articles
It’s easy to forget about your website calendar, new events, announcements, and articles when you’re focusing on other aspects of your business.
However, it is important that these are regularly updated so that people coming to your site don’t have a feeling that nothing has been happening lately or there’s not anything new for them. This will help keep visitors engaged with your company and coming back to see what’s new.
This will help people visiting your site, but it can also be a good way to keep them informed about any upcoming events or promotions that you’re running so they don’t forget all the time.
It’s important for your website visitors to know when there is something new to see so they’re more likely to come back.
Add and Remove Pages
You need to make sure your website is set up in a way that’s logical and easy for visitors.
This means having pages related to each other such as event details, blog posts, contact information, or FAQs so it makes sense from the perspective of someone who may not know anything about your company beforehand. This will help increase engagement with your website and make it easier for people to find what they’re looking for.
It’s also a good idea to go in and remove pages that you think might be unnecessary or outdated so visitors aren’t confused by anything on the site which could lead them elsewhere where they’ll get more value from their time spent on your company.
Update and Edit Contact Information
It’s important to make sure that your contact information is up-to-date and accurate.
This will help you get in touch with customers, clients or partners more easily if necessary so it becomes a lot easier to stay in the loop about what they’re interested in from time to time. It also helps them find out who their main contact person is for your company and what they should do if something needs to be handled.
Contact information can change, contact people may not always be available or you might just want to give them a different phone number so they’re sure it’s the right one to reach out with. This will help make things easier in an emergency situation or when there are questions that need to be asked.
The right contact information will help people find what they’re looking for when it comes time to reach out and this can save you a lot of frustration in the long run.
Shopping Cart and Product Updates
Our clients have the ability to sell products on their own website or through any number of other channels.
We offer a wide variety of features, including shopping cart integration, automated product importing, and custom product pages that can be customized for each individual customer.
This allows your customers to purchase wherever it’s convenient–online, over the phone with our people-, or in-person at an event–and minimize possible errors during checkout such as returns due to information mismatch issues
Setting Up and Managing Email Accounts
Email accounts are one of the most important aspects of a business.
This is because it’s where customers, clients, and partners will be able to find you when they have questions or want to reach out with something that needs attention from your company. It also gives them access to any updates about what you’re doing as well as any promotions or new business ventures you might have.
It’s important to set up email accounts for your company and manage them on a regular basis so all of the information that needs to be communicated is sent through this channel in an orderly fashion with appropriate formatting or it can make things difficult for anyone who reaches out looking for answers from your organization.
Create New Domain Names and Subdomains
There are many reasons why you might want to create a new domain name or subdomain for your company.
You may be trying to establish yourself as an authority in the industry or branch out into another area of expertise that’s different from current website offerings. Or perhaps there is a seasonal need like selling Christmas trees during November and December but not other times of the year.
It’s a good idea to create new domains and subdomains when necessary so you can effectively communicate with customers, clients, or partners about what it is they want from your company at any given time without confusion.
For example, if someone looking for tree-related information finds their way over to one of our client’s websites and can’t find anything about trees, then they might have a less than positive experience.
Site Statistics and Reporting
It’s important to pay attention to the traffic on your site and what people are looking at.
Knowing this information can help you better understand how they’re interacting with your content, which pages need some work or may be of interest for them depending on their browsing history as well as any other number of things that might not have occurred to you.
Monitoring your site statistics and reporting can help you make informed decisions about what to do next. For example, if a certain webpage is getting the most traffic or a particular post has been shared more than other content then that’s information you’ll want to pay attention to in order to create even better content for these visitors as well as others who might come across your site in the future.
CMS Updates
It’s important to keep your CMS (content management system) updated so that you can take advantage of the newest features and benefits.
This means paying attention to changes such as when a new browser is released, or Google announces an update for their algorithm which might affect how people find content on the internet.
Keeping up-to-date will allow you to be on the forefront of your industry, which will also help you stay relevant with customers and clients.
Website Plugin Updates
Plugins are software that are installed on a website that provides additional functionality.
For example, as WordPress developers, we might install plugins like Yoast to help people write great content that’s SEO friendly or something called Jetpack for site owners who want easy access to stats and analytics without having an extra plugin installed.
We also make sure the plugins we install are current to make sure they work properly with the newest version of WordPress.
The plugins that you have installed on your website should be updated regularly so it’s a good idea to pay attention for notifications from developers about new releases and other changes which may affect how those particular plugins function or provide data.
This can keep your site up-to-date and running smoothly.
Changes to Website Themes
When you create a new website or make changes to the existing site, it’s important to pay attention to which theme is being used.
It’s possible that your chosen design template may be discontinued by its designer for any number of reasons.
This might not affect you right away, but if enough people in your industry are using this particular style or if it’s the only design template that offers certain features, then you’ll want to stay updated so your site doesn’t look outdated or like a duplicate of any other sites.
General Website Maintenance
Lastly, nobody like general maintenance. However, it’s an important part of running a website as there will always be changes to the code that need updating or bugs that need fixing.
We like to stay on top of things like this so you don’t have any unexpected downtime which could hurt your business and frustrate customers who want to find information about your business.
You can get an email notification when a new version is available or look for updates in the WordPress dashboard if they’re installed on your site.
This ensures that any time there are significant changes to be made, then those are done so with as little disruption as possible and without anything being missed.
The same applies to plugins and themes, although there is less need to update them as often.
With All That Said…
At Alignment Online Marketing, we believe in doing what’s right for our clients. That means more than just providing high-quality search engine optimization services: it also includes keeping up with fast-paced industry changes and educating ourselves about web development best practices. As a result, we are able to provide you with the most competent SEO advice and professional website management that is tailored to help your business reach its fullest potential.
Alignment Online Marketing specializes in both organic (aka natural) SEO strategies as well as those of a more paid variety by employing white hat techniques from both ends of the spectrum so that you can attain any goal set within a timeline suitable for your budget constraints.
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Strengthen your online visibility with responsive, mobile-optimized websites that customers and search engines love.
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The extra boost to get you in front of your ideal customers fast. AKA Search Engine Marketing or PPC.
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Claim, update, and fix business listings across 300 directories and websites that control local search.
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Monitor and manage all aspects of your online reputation, including listings, reviews, mentions and more.
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Grow your fanbase on social media, find real-time leads and share relevant content across all of your social channels.
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